こんにちは!Hello! I am Nicole and I’m studying Landscape
Architecture at Chiba University, Japan.
Name: Nicole Chu
Course: BA Landscape Architecture
Location of Study Abroad: Chiba
University, Japan
Duration: October 2016 to January 2017
Why did you decide to take part in Study Abroad?
The world is our backyard. Not only is it an amazing opportunity to
experience new things, as a Landscape Architecture student I want to learn more
about the landscape designs on the other side of the world.
Why did you choose Chiba University?
I love anime. Japan has always been a big inspiration in my life and Japanese
animation has played a big part in it. Directors such as Makoto Shinkai, Mamoru
Hosoda and Studio Ghibli, create stunningly beautiful films that bring
imaginative landscapes to life. Japanese designers also have a big influence in
the landscaping industry in Singapore, so I believe it’s a good chance to learn
Japanese style designs first hand.
What are your first impressions of your exchange city?
My first thought that went through when I moved in was, “I can’t
wait to try all the food.” And I did. Surprisingly, I am not tired of Japanese
cuisine yet!
Most of my lab mates are in their second year of masters and they
were all so welcoming and curious to know more about Sheffield and Singapore. It
was really nerve wrecking at first as I barely knew Japanese and in Japanese
culture one speaks to one’s peers in a formal, respectful way, but we’re all on
good friendly terms now! My Japanese has also improved rapidly by conversing
with them.
How does your course differ so far from what you are used to in
What are you hoping to get out of your time abroad?
Firstly, I want to gain experience at a Japanese landscape design
company. Secondly, to broaden my
perspective for future landscape projects. Thirdly, to fully grasp a new
language! Lastly, travel to as many parts of Japan that I haven’t
been to yet.
Any surprises so far?
I ate whale sashimi without knowing! But it was delicious!
またね、シェフィールド!See you
later, Sheffield!